-add new message-||||||||||||||| (sample)|||yes||yes||||123-456-7890||0:00 AM EST-Eastern|csv|PhoneNum,FirstName,ApptDate,ApptTime|Hello, this is X Y Z Medical calling with a reminder for [FirstName]. You have an appointment scheduled in our office on [ApptDate] at [AppTime]. To confirm your appointment, please press 1. If you need to reschedule, please contact our office at: 123-456-7890. That number again is: 123-456-7890. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you.| rem-txt|yes||||yes||||||10:00 AM PST-Pacific|custom|custom|[PatFname], this is the Sports Clinic reminding you of your appointment scheduled in our office with [ProvName] for [ApptDate] at [ApptTime]. Plz reply ‘yes’ to confirm. If you need to reschedule plz call: 949-581-7001.[nl]Thank you[nl][nl]Plz remember MASKS ARE REQUIRED, bring ID, insurance, x-rays| reminder|||yes||yes||||949-581-7001||10:00 AM PST-Pacific|custom|custom|Hello. This is the Sports Clinic, calling to remind [PatFname], that you have an appointment scheduled in our office with [ProvName] for [ApptDate] at [ApptTime]. If you would like to confirm your appointment, please press 1 now. If you have any questions or need to reschedule, you may reach us at: 949-581-7001. That number again is: 949-581-7001. Please remember to bring any necessary paperwork, x-rays and MRIs, as well as your insurance card, and photo ID. If you are a new patient, please arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment time. Thank you.|