Message/File Name:   





     Wording of message:  Use [ and ] to signify the use of a variable within the message.


                     EXAMPLE:  Hello, this is an important reminder for [FirstName].






     Message will be sent via:    Text


                                                 Email       From email address


                                                 Phone      Caller ID to display






     Enable touch response:      Press 1 or reply 'yes' to confirm

                                                 Press 2 or reply 'no' or 'cancel' to cancel

                                                 Press 3 to connect to office now

                                                 Press 9 to repeat this message


     * Note: If any are checked the wording of the message should include instructions for use. *




     Preferred Send Time:           :


                                                   * To send immediately after a file is uploaded set to 0:00 AM*


                                                   * Phone calls are never sent before 9:00 AM or after 9:00 PM*




     File Headers:   Use .CSV file with my message variables as the column headers.   


                              Use custom Excel, TXT, CSV, PDF or EDI (electronic data interface).